Wednesday, 24 March 2021

Napoleon's Last Army

 Forthcoming book of interest

'Years in the making in both the creation of the stunning and unique art work by my valued friend Keith Rocco, based on decades of archive work which I have undertaken in Paris.
Our joint collaboration evocatively brings the Armée du Nord back to life as it appeared in those chaotic days in June 1815. Infantry, cavalry and artillery from each Army Corps as well as well as the officers and men of the Garde Imperiale, are brought back to life in the vivid illustrations.
The book is a testimony to the skill of Keith Rocco and the soldiers themselves who served in the Emperors last campaign. I will update you all with details for the publication schedule as and when things are finalised. This is a 'must have' book for all those interested in the 1e Empire.'

Friday, 5 March 2021

Billy Hill's Napoleonic collection

 Thanks to Billy for these pics of his collection. His description follows. 

Russian infantry are a mix of AiP and Hat. Red figures taking refuge inside the square are artillerymen from a Supreme Russian Napoleonic header bag. Russian licorne cannon is by Tehnolog, the other 2 are from the Supreme header bag.

French infantry are a mix of CTS, BMC, and AiP, and maybe a few Airfix. The mounted French officer with the white shabraque is a Timpo recast. Some of the other officers [the off color ones] are from the Chintoys French and Russian staff sets. French artillerymen and cannon are from AiP. In the cavalry melee, the light blue guys are Italeri French hussars. The cossacks are an irregular unit that I put together from different color AiP cossack sets. I added the lances from metal. I haven't painted them yet because I can't make up my mind whether to paint them to match the figures or as lances. The green cavalry are ExForce French line lancers. That leaves the blue and white cavalry. That's a bit of a cheat. Both those sets are actually AiP AWI cavalry. The blue guys are intended to represent pre-1810 French carabiniers, before they got the white coats and copper cuirasses. The white guys are intended to represent Russian Guard Cavalry. There are 75 photos in the set. Unfortunately, FB is probably going to scramble up the sequence.

We will revisit this collection again soon.