Sunday, 27 December 2020

Scots Greys by Olivier le Hussard


Superb painting on Expeditionary Force cavalry

JAN ANTHONIE LANGENDIJK (1780-1818) Württemberg Army. Privates, Infantry. drawn 1814

 Zoomable image here. I am enjoying Langendijk's work. 

Italeri French Supply Wagon


Regret not getting this set when they were about. Probably find it on ebay. See the various parts here

Napoleon's Waterloo Army Paul L Dawson

 This book is very good. Goes into great detail about what the army was like for the 100 days campaign. Amazon link

51st Light Infantry by Olivier Le Hussard


Figures by Expeditionary Force

Scott Lesch's Retreat from Moscow 1812

 This is a pleasant set up in the snow. Figures are Hat French elites in Greatcoats. 

Olivier le Hussard's French battalion


Figures are Expeditionary Force

Saturday, 26 December 2020


 This is the first post. Airfix was probably the first. This blog covers the whole Napoleonic wars.