Monday, 10 February 2025

Jean Roch Coignet - Série TV intégrale

 Jean Roch Coignet - Série TV intégrale

Diffusion du 23 décembre 1969 au 3 janvier 1970 00:00 Générique 00:49 Épisode 1 50:29 Épisode 2 01:35:53 Épisode 3 02:30:03 Épisode 4 03:19:40 Épisode 5 04:08:17 Épisode 6 04:57:58 Épisode 7 05:47:44 Générique

Jean-Roch Coignet (16 August 1776 – 10 December 1865) was a French soldier who served in the military campaigns of the Consulate and First French Empire, up through the Battle of Waterloo. He later wrote his memoirs detailing his military service, The Notebooks of Captain Coignet, which are still being reprinted.

He participated in 16 campaigns and 48 battles, never having been wounded.

Monday, 30 September 2024

A graphic novel set in Napoleon's army.

 At the height of the Napoleonic Wars, Louis-François Lejeune, a young colonel attached to the emperor's staff, meets his old friend Henri Beyne in occupied Vienna. He also meets the beautiful Anna Krauss, with whom he is madly in love with. Nearby, though, Napoleon is attempting to crush the Austrian army and organizing the crossing of the Danube for his troops on a single pontoon bridge hurriedly erected near Essling. Louis-François is forced to abandon his love and return to the front - and the coming firestorm …